Where can you purchase our products?

Our flagship store is located at Snorrabraut 56 in Reykjavík, offering a fantastic shopping experience.
You can also find our products in various stores across Iceland.

Worldwide delivery

We offer worldwide delivery on all the products in our online shop and shipments can take only 3-5 working days with DHL!


We accept Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard, Maestro, Visa Electron & JCB.

Secure Payment

All personal information saved at the site will be handled with the most utmost care.

Let us help

You can reach us by phone: +354 5880488 or by email: if you need assistance.

Myrk helgi hjá Feldi Verkstæði byrjar á morgun!
20% afsláttur af völdum vörum🖤
Kynntu þér úrvalið á Snorrabraut 56 eða inn á

Myrk helgi hjá Feldi Verkstæði byrjar á morgun!
20% afsláttur af völdum vörum🖤
Kynntu þér úrvalið á Snorrabraut 56 eða inn á

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